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The PEACE Program assists children and youth, three to 18 years of age, who have witnessed or experienced violence.

The SAIP Program assists children who are under the age of 19, who have experienced sexual abuse or may be acting out in a sexualized manner.

Child and Youth Counselling Program assists children and youth who have experienced and/or been exposed to trauma/traumatic events and whose quality of life has been impacted as a result.

Families or youth can request service directly.
Referrals can also come from:
•   Schools,
•   daycares,
•   social workers,
•   police,
•   advocates,
•   mental health clinicians,
•   Victim Assistance workers,
•   transition house staff,
•   parent educators and
•   family support workers.

In an effort to help children and youth make sense of their experience and feel as safe as possible, we offer a variety of expressive therapies including art therapy, play therapy and sand tray therapy as well as narrative and cognitive behavioural approaches.

We often work closely with other NCS Programs to assist parents in most effectively supporting children through difficult times and through the healing process.  We offer individual counselling as well as group counselling, including weekly groups in elementary and middle schools as a form of early intervention for children identified as potentially at-risk.

This program is funded by the Ministry of Public Safety & Solicitor General’s PEACE (Prevention, Education, Advocacy, Counselling and Empowerment)  Program for children who have witnessed or experienced violence, and the Ministry of Children and Family Development’s Sexual Abuse Intervention Program for children who have experienced sexual abuse or may be acting out in a sexualized manner.

Program Staff:

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Stopping the Violence  (STV) Women’s Counselling Program

The STV Women’s Counseling Program offers individual and group counselling for self-identified women, aged 19 and older, who have experienced relationship abuse, sexual assault, and/or physical, sexual, or emotional abuse at any age. We work from a feminist perspective using a trauma-informed approach to supporting women. The program aims to offer a safe space for women to address issues that have arisen from their experiences and focuses on empowering women to make decisions that feel right for them. This can include naming the type of abuse experienced, exploring and identifying coping strategies, strengths, and increasing a sense of safety in their lives. Women are welcome to self-refer by connecting with Nelson Community Services.
This program is funded by the Ministry of Public Safety & Solicitor General.


  • Alyssa Favro

  • Brittan McClay

    Brittan has been with NCS since 2013. BFA, Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Art Therapy.

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Child and Youth Community Mental Health Program

When children and youth are experiencing severe mental, emotional and behavioural problems, both the child/youth and the parents/caregivers need support to help understand and manage their experiences. We provide a safe, supported environment for children and youth to explore their feelings, behaviours, values and beliefs. Children and youth participate in and are actively involved in setting their own goals for treatment. Support is also provided to parents/caregivers in an effort to promote a deeper understanding of the child/youth’s experience and to promote healthy lifestyle choices within the family. We facilitate referrals for further assessments and treatment, if necessary, and provide support throughout this process.

This program works in close collaboration with the Ministry of Children and Family Development’s (the Ministry) Child and Youth Mental Health Program. All referrals to our program must come from the Ministry office.  The Ministry funds this community program.


  • Roger Luscombe

    Roger has been with NCS since 2005. Registered Clinical Counsellor (RCC) with the British Columbia Association of Clinical Counselors (BCACC)

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Nelson Street Outreach Evaluation Report

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Downtown Nelson Street Outreach
Year One Pilot Project


Lynda Dechief, M.Sc.
Equality Consulting
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Nelson Street Outreach


This program began in October 2016 as a way to provide a caring, comprehensive, and direct response to the immediate and longer-term needs of Nelson’s growing ‘street culture’ population. Services are offered throughout the year from Monday to Friday during daytime hours. To reach the team please call 250-777-3993.

To  mark 50 years of service to families, youth & individuals in the community, we’ve launched a series of short films. Two films were prepared to spotlight the Street out reach program:

Through the Darkness, Mothers Shine: Love, Sacrifice, and Hope in the Face of the Drug Poisoning Epidemic. click here to view

Strengthening Communities Through Compassion: A Street Outreach Team’s Support. click here to view


We believe that all individuals who rely on a community’s ‘street culture’ to live and/or survive are valued community members and have the right to receive support and access stabilization services in a manner that respects their dignity, their strengths, and their right to choose.


Ryall and Jeremy

Our team is made up of three street outreach workers, and a program director.

Our training includes Mental Health First Aid, Basic First Aid/CPR, Assessment, Case Management, Non-Violent Crisis Intervention, Privacy/Info sharing, Drug Information, Naloxone, Mental Health and Substance Use, Health Precautions & Personal Safety


Our Mission is two-fold:

  1. To work in collaboration with relevant service providers to identify members of Nelson’s ‘street culture’ population, assess their immediate and long-term needs for health, safety, and basic needs, and offer a range of supports and services designed to meet these needs.
  2. To support downtown business owners and the general public in their increased understanding, tolerance, and acceptance of the challenges of the ‘street culture’ population and to foster a culture of mutual respect.




Through a trauma-informed, health promotion, harm reduction, social inclusion, and education lens, we offer:

  • Assessment of needs
  • Support & advocacy
  • Information & referrals Crisis intervention
  • Accompaniment
  • Inclusion activities
  • Public education

This program currently relies solely on grants and donations from our community.
If you support the work of this program and would like to see it continue,
then please consider making a donation.
All donations over $20 are tax receipt-able

  • Lyann Hunter

    Lyann joined NCS in 2020. She has a diploma in Social Services and currently working on her social work degree.

  • Jeremy Kelly

    Jeremy has been with NCS since 2016. Background in community support work.

  • Ryall Giuliano

    Ryall has been with NCS since 2016. Master of Arts in Environmental Education and Communication, Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy

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Nelson Street Outreach Donations

Ryall and Jeremy

Ryall and Jeremy, our Street Outreach Workers, interact directly with the Nelson “street culture” people, helping them to identify their immediate needs and plan a way forward.

Anticipating another cold winter in Nelson, donations of new gloves, mitts, hats, scarves, and socks are needed.

Donations can be dropped off at Nelson Community Services office, Suite #201 – 518 Lake Street


Making a cash donation through CanadaHelps will let us purchase other items of need for this program.
Donate Now Through CanadaHelps.org!

Read more about NELSON STREET OUTREACH > > >

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We understand that not all youth receive the necessary support and modelling needed in order to make a healthy transition into adulthood. We are here to help youth with this transition process so that they can develop the necessary foundations for living fulfilling and productive lives as adults.

In the Youth Outreach Program, we assist local youth, aged 13 -19, with making positive life changes and strengthening their connections with the community, school, family, and friends. This happens by:
•   offering safe, confidential services, including re-integration/connection to educational institutions,
•   supportive counselling and crisis intervention,
•   information and strategies for decision-making, harm reduction,
•   short and long-term shelter,
•   the provision of food and personal items that help youth meet their basic needs,
•   referrals to other services and,
•   when needed, a physical presence/support to help facilitate and encourage youth to access important community resources.

Our approach is welcoming, flexible, and non-judgmental and reflects each youth’s personal growth, strengths, and individual lifestyle.

This program is funded by the Ministry of Children & Family Development.


  • Rick Kutzner

    Rick has been with NCS since 2016. Registered Professional Counselor (RPC) and Life Skills Coach.  

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This is a therapeutic group for self-identified women who are ready to embark on a healing journey around the effects of experiencing sexual, emotional, or physical abuse in childhood and/or adulthood.

In the group you will be exploring topics such as education around abuse and effects of abuse, boundaries, self-esteem, trust and intimacy.

This is a closed group and pre-screening is required.

Supports for childcare and transportation are available. Maximum 10 participants.
Check back fall 2016.

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The Family Support Program recognizes that families, for a variety of reasons, require support from time to time as they attempt to navigate through many life challenges compounded by the demands of parenting. We work alongside the family through this journey helping to bring understanding, support, and guidance.

The supports we can offer are very diverse yet are specific to the current needs of all members of the family.  This generally involves:

  • Assessing the specific needs of the family and developing goals together
  • Promoting healthy, safe parent-child relationships and overall family wellness
  • Connecting family members to key services and supports in the community in a way that works for them
  • Working as a team with the family and Ministry social workers through the Integrated Case Management approach
  • Helping families find new ways to meet life’s challenges and stressors

All referrals to our program come from the Ministry of Children and Family Development and from other services at NCS.  The Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCFD) funds this program.


  • Darshan Nickolchuk

    Darshan joined NCS in 2022. Diploma of Child and Youth Care

  • Desiree Syfchuck

    Desiree Syfchuck BSW, RSW Certified Circle of Security Facilitator Certified Tween and Me Facilitator Desiree joined NCS in 2020.

  • Tara Gray

    Tara has been with NCS since 2017. Child, Youth and Family Studies Diploma, and Early Childhood Educator diploma with Infant Toddler Certification, Certified Circle of Security Facilitator, and Certified Tween and…

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The Family Counselling Program is available to those adults/couples who are actively parenting children yet are experiencing emotional distress. The counselling approach is based on a genuine, respectful relationship, and the assumption that clients are the best experts on themselves. The emphasis is on a deep understanding of clients and their issues, and a belief that solutions flow naturally from this kind of understanding. Clients are supported to set their own goals and discover solutions that feel authentic and personal. This program also includes family counselling and parent-teen conflict resolution as a way to promote healthy family dynamics.

All referrals to our program come from the Ministry of Children and Family Development and from other services at NCS.  This program is funded by the Ministry of Children and Family Development.


  • Toumbi Heynen

    Toumbi has been with NCS since 2012. MA (Counselling Psychology), Registered Clinical Counsellor.    ...

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