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If you are being abused
or are fearful that you might be abused,
you are not alone and it is not your fault.
You cannot control your partner’s behaviour, but there are ways that you can make yourself safer. Asking for help takes courage. You’ve already made the first step by accessing our website.
If you are in immediate danger, please call the Police by dialing 911.
If you have been injured and/or need medical assistance, please dial 911.
Staff are available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week (including holidays)
and can assist you in coming to the Transition House.
If you are not ready to leave but want to talk to someone,
please make that call. Staff are available to listen and provide non-judgmental support.
They can help you problem solve and assist with referrals to other community resources.
They can also help you develop a safety plan.
Please note:
The Aimee Beaulieu Transition House
is the only 24 hour program at
Nelson Community Services.
If you are experiencing a medical emergency, please call 911.
If you need to talk to someone right now, the Regional Crisis Line
at 1-888-353-CARE (2273) is also available.
If you need assistance to deal with on-going issues,
please see our Programs.