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The Family Support Program recognizes that families, for a variety of reasons, require support from time to time as they attempt to navigate through many life challenges compounded by the demands of parenting. We work alongside the family through this journey helping to bring understanding, support, and guidance.

The supports we can offer are very diverse yet are specific to the current needs of all members of the family.  This generally involves:

  • Assessing the specific needs of the family and developing goals together
  • Promoting healthy, safe parent-child relationships and overall family wellness
  • Connecting family members to key services and supports in the community in a way that works for them
  • Working as a team with the family and Ministry social workers through the Integrated Case Management approach
  • Helping families find new ways to meet life’s challenges and stressors

All referrals to our program come from the Ministry of Children and Family Development and from other services at NCS.  The Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCFD) funds this program.


  • Darshan Nickolchuk

    Darshan joined NCS in 2022. Diploma of Child and Youth Care

  • Desiree Syfchuck

    Desiree Syfchuck BSW, RSW Certified Circle of Security Facilitator Certified Tween and Me Facilitator Desiree joined NCS in 2020.

  • Tara Gray

    Tara has been with NCS since 2017. Child, Youth and Family Studies Diploma, and Early Childhood Educator diploma with Infant Toddler Certification, Certified Circle of Security Facilitator, and Certified Tween and…